Quest 910: Investigating the Glitches Pt. 5

(Redirected from Quest 910)
« Quest 910
Investigating the Glitches Pt. 5
Let's Investigate the Block Noise: 5

Maps: Base
Kana ブロックノイズを調べよう5
Rōmaji Burokku Noizu o Shirabeyou 5
AP Level
0 1750
Speed AttributeGummi Golem
EN Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn "No Matter Where" Title
Complete within 3 turns for 1,000 Jewels 1000 Jewels
Complete without having to continue 1 Chip 6★
JP Objectives
Defeat all enemies within 1 turn "離れていても" Title
Complete within 3 turns for 1,000 Jewels 1000 Jewels
Complete without having to continue 1 Chip 6★
EN Quest Rewards Materials
5 Huey & Dewey & Louie 6★
JP Quest Rewards
5 Huey & Dewey & Louie 6★
« Quest 910
Investigating the Glitches Pt. 5
Let's Investigate the Block Noise: 5

Maps: Base
Kana ブロックノイズを調べよう5
Rōmaji Burokku Noizu o Shirabeyou 5
AP Level
0 3750
Target Keyblade
Speed AttributeGummi Golem Bad Guy Breaker
Only special attacks requiring 3 or fewer gauges allowed.
EN Objectives
Complete within 3 turns 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 3 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete without having to continue 1 Speed Gem
JP Objectives
Complete within 3 turns 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Equip 3 or fewer Medals 1 Magic Mirror 6★
Complete without having to continue 1 Speed Gem
EN Quest Rewards Materials
600 Jewels
JP Quest Rewards
600 Jewels

Quest 910 takes place in Cy-Bug Sector.

Story summary Edit

The Player continues to look into the glitches.

5 years ago, the Master of Masters tells Luxu about how the Keyblade War has been going on for a long time.

In the present, the Union leaders fill each other in on the current situation. Brain comes to the conclusion that they are in a data version of Daybreak Town.

Script Edit

After quest
  • [About 5 years ago——]

[Luxu approaches the Master of Masters in the control room.]

  • Master of Masters: "I was a young boy when—"
  • Luxu: "Huh!?"
  • Master of Masters: "What? Even I was a kid once."
  • Luxu: "Right. Of course."
  • Master of Masters: "..."
  • Master of Masters: "Anyway, I was a young boy when the Keyblade War began."
  • Luxu: "What!?"
  • Luxu: "There was a Keyblade War back then too?"
  • Master of Masters: "Yep, that's right."
  • Luxu: "Did you have a Master of your own?"
  • Master of Masters: "Nope."
  • Luxu: "Who was fighting who?"
  • Master of Masters: "What do you think? Light and darkness."
  • Luxu: "Light?"
  • Luxu: "There were wielders besides you?"
  • Master of Masters: "Hmm... There were, but they don't really count."
  • Luxu: "And the darkness?"
  • Luxu: "Were there monsters like there are now?"
  • Master of Masters: "Okay, no more questions until I finish my story."
  • Luxu: "Right, sorry."
  • Master of Masters: "To answer your question, if I had to call them something, "monsters" would be pretty accurate. But they looked like us."
  • Luxu: "Oh, so they were human?"
  • Master of Masters: "I didn't say that. Anyway, the Keyblade War dates back to when darkness took that form..."
  • Master of Masters: "...and it's still waging as we speak."
  • Luxu: "What? It's still going on?"
  • Master of Masters: "Yes, the battle with darkness never stopped. The Keyblade War isn't about to begin. In fact, it might finally come to an end."
  • Luxu: "I..."
  • Master of Masters: "Darkness is constantly changing shape. It can even hide among humans. That's the reason the war was never able to end."
  • Master of Masters: "The coming battle will end the world. Everything will be destroyed."
  • Master of Masters: "The wielders sent outside will gather light from the now scattered worlds... ...and with that light, the world will be rebuilt."
  • Luxu: "The world will end and be rebuilt...?"
  • Master of Masters: "That's right. You can't erase what lives on in the hearts of children—worlds and their stories, and most of all, light."
  • Master of Masters: "Of course, you can't erase the darkness, either. But you can call a truce."
  • Master of Masters: "I could go for a nice, long break right about now! Maybe I'll kick back for a while."
  • Luxu: "What?"
  • Luxu: "You're going to sit back... ...and leave the fate of the world in other people's hands?"
  • Master of Masters: "Why not? That's why I'm having Ava round up the best of the best. They'll start at χ, become unchained, and fulfill their duty through Union Cross. Those wielders will be the cornerstone of the new world."
  • Luxu: "Cornerstones...?"
  • Luxu: "But they can come home once they're done, right?"
  • Master of Masters: "Well... Maybe not all of them."

[In the present, Lauriam and Skuld approach Brain, Ephemer, and Ventus in the same room.]

  • Skuld: "How's it going?"
  • Brain: "Perfect timing!"
  • Brain: "Ephemer just got back. And I was about to ask Ven to go get you two."
  • Lauriam: "Skuld filled me in on the situation. Did you figure out what was causing the glitches?"

[Ephemer nods.]

  • Ephemer: "Sort of. You see, before the Keyblade War... ...Daybreak Town was recreated as data along with all the other worlds."
  • Ephemer: "That's why even though the worlds were destroyed, they're still connected to Daybreak Town... ...and we're still able to visit them— or at least their data copies."
  • Brain: "It's precisely because they're data that a connection from the real world is possible."
  • Brain: "But now... ...a new world has aggressively forged a connection with this one."
  • Ephemer: "My friend and I followed the Darklings there and did some investigating. It looks like that's where the creatures that have been popping up in our world are coming from."
  • Lauriam: "Do you think the Darklings guided them here?"
  • Brain: "Most likely, but I can't imagine why."
  • Ventus: "You know, we saw a glitch that looked like Master Ava here in the tower."

[Skuld nods.]

  • Lauriam: "These glitches... They're showing up in town too. I saw one of Strelitzia."
  • Brain: "Your sister?"
  • Lauriam: "Yeah. I came here because I thought you might be able to make some sense of it."
  • Brain: "Hmm..."
  • Brain: "According to Ephemer, the residents of the newly connected world are aware that they live in a data world. That got me thinking... We know the monsters from the new world can infiltrate our world..."
  • Brain: "...Ven and Skuld saw a glitch of Master Ava, and Lauriam of his sister. We were so sure we were in the real Daybreak Town... ...but all signs point to this being a data world too."
  • Ventus: "What?"
  • Ephemer: "The real Daybreak Town still exists, right?"
  • Ventus: "Please say Daybreak Town hasn't disappeared!"
  • Brain: "We have no way of knowing right now. I'm fairly confident we were in the real world until this all broke out, at least."
  • Skuld: "So we can't get back? We're stuck here?"
  • Brain: "We thought we had gone back, but it turns out we didn't... ...which means we can't go back the usual way. But if you give me a bit more time, I might be able to figure something out."
  • Ventus: "Why is this happening?"
  • Brain: "If I had to guess, there's someone behind all this. That's the only thing that makes sense. I don't know why..."
  • Brain: "...but this data world was probably made to be cut off from the real world from the start. There might not be even be a reason for it, aside from being a means to some other end."
  • Lauriam: "We escaped the war, only to find ourselves trapped in a cage? Irony at its best."
  • Ephemer: "It couldn't have been Master Ava. She gathered us together so she could keep light alive. She wouldn't trick us like this."
  • Brain: "At this point, we can't be sure of anything. We don't know if Master Ava knew about any of this... ...or who's responsible for the program."
  • Brain: "In any case, like I said before... ...I'm going to become a virus and overwrite it."

[Brain walks out of the room.]

  • Ventus: "Where are you going?"
  • Brain: "Downstairs."
  • Ephemer: "Do you have a plan?"
  • Brain: "Not yet."

[Brain arrives at the elevator and takes out the Book of Prophecies.]

  • Brain: "I wonder if there's anything written about this..."

Maps Edit

Enemies Edit

Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 1 Gummi Golem Base A Target enemy;   Reflects Upright attacks; 15-hit count
Total Number of Enemies: 1

Enemy types Edit


Treasures Edit

Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize Base A