Quest 219/Script

Before quest

Alice Oh, what shall I do?
The Player arrives.

Alice Thank goodness you're here!
The Doorknob can't get his rest with all the commotion out here.
I told them to shush, but no one will listen!
Perhaps you can do something.
During quest

Alice How will I get them to listen?
After quest

Alice Oh, thank you! I hope those rude little monsters learned their lesson.
Now perhaps the Doorknob can sleep.
The Player and Alice return to the Doorknob.

Doorknob Speech may be silver, but silence truly is golden!
I look forward to a long-awaited good night's rest. Thank you, both of you.
The Player and Alice continue to the Forest Grove.

Alice Oh dear, my handkerchief is missing.
I must have dropped it here somewhere...

Protect Alice while she searches for her handkerchief.