
Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Clear/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

This template adds <div style="clear:both;"></div>, <div style="clear:left;"></div>, or <div style="clear:right;"></div>.

{{clear}}: Makes content wait until existing content is completed in all columns. Often used to stop text from flowing next to unrelated images.

Usage Edit


Example without {{clear}} Edit

Bear claw biscuit lemon drops soufflé brownie sweet roll bear claw. Chocolate bar bonbon pie marzipan macaroon danish halvah liquorice gummi bears. Powder cookie brownie macaroon sweet. Sweet pudding chocolate cake lollipop. Tart muffin chocolate bar tart brownie marzipan. Halvah wafer soufflé sweet jelly-o jelly. Jelly jelly-o sweet roll sweet tiramisu.

New section without template Edit

See how this section starts at the right of the image?

Example that uses {{clear}} Edit

Bear claw biscuit lemon drops soufflé brownie sweet roll bear claw. Chocolate bar bonbon pie marzipan macaroon danish halvah liquorice gummi bears. Powder cookie brownie macaroon sweet.

Sweet pudding chocolate cake lollipop. Tart muffin chocolate bar tart brownie marzipan. Halvah wafer soufflé sweet jelly-o jelly. Jelly jelly-o sweet roll sweet tiramisu.

New section with template Edit

See how this section appears below the image?