Shrewd Nobody

Xeranis♖ - All as foreseen.. {∞_∞}

I'm the contributor who:

  • completed the Standard Boards templates on the Avatar Boards page→ merged all the Level Progression Board templates into a single, consolidated table;
  • originally conceived & implemented the addition of the PvP Rotation countdown timer onto the Main Page (originally on Current Events template), and
    generally keeps the PvP Rotation countdown timer up-to-date, when I can; and
  • generally keeps the Current Events (countdown timers) up-to-date, when I can.

Also the contributor, who once:


Active Contributions have plummeted; y'all got it from here.
Drastically reducing my active contributions to the listed items hidden under the Expand-Collapse template above; those who wish to take those over for me, please go ahead & do so.
(Still undecided on the remaining 2 visible items, in terms of timeliness {debating against my own OCD}.)

EDIT [17:28, 13 February 2019 (PST)]: Party overhaul (mostly?) complete; new party formed; resumed accepting membership requests; see further details below, under Party Info.

Gonna generally stick with the below (Fluid) Posting Windows:

  • ~10 AM~12 Noon EST / 2~4 PM EST / 6~8 PM EST

[Saturday - Anytime.]

Party Info

Winged-Wolf Union

You can find me in the party, PteroLycus Union (Winged-Wolf Union).

Search Parameters

  • Union: Vulpes
  • Party Name: PteroLycus Union
  • Playstyle: Core
  • Approval: Manual
  • Members: 1-10

Party Membership Parameters

(^_^) Join PteroLycus Union,

  • if you have an affinity for wolves, or would like to join a union with the animal you'd like to be affiliated with, that's lacking Union representation - Wolf! '(^_^)
    (We would be the Vulpes sub-faction; would like to see PteroLycus Union grow within the other 4 Unions!)
  • if you're an active player (daily to weekly logins/playtime)!
    • and will evenly contribute to completing the Weekly Missions for the party!
    • and will activate your Lux Boost daily, at the appointed time window!
  • if you play within the U.S. Eastern Time Zone! (Atlantic time zone players are also welcome!)
  • (Further details to follow.)

If you'd like to join, please message me your ID# on here, so I can invite you directly!


In-game, tap "Menu" → tap "Other" → tap "X3 [ex tres]" → Community → Party Recruitment → And leave a message in "TeroLycusUnion"! (^_^) {Chatroom title only fits 14 characters.. '(-_-) }
I'll be checking the chatroom daily, either 12 Noon ~ 2 PM EST, or 4~6 PM EST.

Medal List

Personal Notes

Medals with matching attack animations that I like/look cool: Ongoing Project

Variants Upright Mirrors
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3 - - -
Mirror 4 - - - - -
Mirror 5 - - - - - -

Variants Reversed Mirrors
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Mirror 3 -
Mirror 4 - - -
Mirror 5 - - - - -

Attack Animations Mirror-Variants
Blade of Seven
(Elemental Pillar)
Magic Pulse
Meteorite* Rain
Dual Disaster
(Elemental) Raid
(Portal) Arrows
Sword of the Vortex
Storm Dance (Ravers/Spin To Win)
(Ground Breaker)
(Swords of Revealing Light!)

To Do List

[For personal use only]
  • Remaining Needed Dedicated Avatar Board pages (Completed by another contributor.)
  • Determine the 5-orb damage multiplier & max STR of all medals (& determine their implementation onto the infomedal template)