Quest 310: Coliseum Tournament: Finals

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« Quest 310
Coliseum Tournament: Finals

Maps: Coliseum
AP Level Raid Boss
15 102 Savage Spider
Speed AttributeCloud
EN Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 6 Avatar Coin
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn "" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
JP Objectives
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn 5 Avatar Coin
Defeat the target enemy within 1 turn "" Title
Complete without having to continue 1 Mythril Shard
EN Quest Rewards Materials
None None
JP Quest Rewards

Story summary

The Player fights in the Coliseum Tournament.


[The Player celebrates their victory with Phil, but when Cloud gets up and tries to attack the Player from behind celebrate with Phil, Hercules blocks the blow.]
  • Hercules: "I don't think so."
  • Phil: "Herc!"
  • Hercules: "We were tricked, Phil. This whole tournament's a sham."
  • Phil: "Whaddaya mean, a sham!?"
  • Hercules: "Look at the entry sheet."
[Phil looks at the entry sheet.]
  • Phil: "What? ...Hey, wait a second, there's somethin' written here real small..."The winner will receive a free trip to the Underworld." What kind of prize is that!?"
  • Hercules: "One only you-know-who would think up."
[Hades appears in a burst of flames.]
  • Hades: "That's right, Wonderboy! This tournament was a production of yours truly. Of course, I was expecting YOU to enter, but hey, I'm a flexible guy. And we'd all die of boredom if things always went according to plan—not that that's a bad thing...So which of you is my champ?"
  • Hercules: "Neither. Nobody won, so you can keep your "prize.""
  • Hades: "What!?"
[Hades turns red in anger.]
  • Cloud: "I'll go with you."
  • Hades: "Who're you?"
  • Cloud: "...Cloud. So are we going or not?"
  • Hercules: "Wait! You don't know what you're getting yourself into."
  • Phil: "The Underworld ain't just dark and scary. It's the land of the dead!"
  • Cloud: "I know. The Underworld...Seems like his kind place."
  • Hades: "Well...Gotta say, I was not expecting a volunteer, but...Hey, I'll take what I can get."
[Hades and Cloud disappear.]
  • Hercules: "I don't like this. We have to go after him."
  • Phil: "Herc!"
  • Hercules: "Don't try and stop me, Phil."
  • Phil: "I'm not. Just listen, I got two words for you: Make. Him. Pay!"
[Herc runs after them.]
  • Phil: "Don't know what to tell ya, kid. But the tournament's definitely canceled. Trust me, you don't wanna get involved with a guy like Hades. So go home before it's too late."
[Phil leaves. Chirithy appears.]
  • Chirithy: "I'm with him, kiddo! Let's skedaddle! Your heart's still not strong enough to take on the darkness in the Underworld. I had a feeling you'd say that. That's why..."
[Chirithy opens a Lane Between.]
  • Chirithy: "I had a gate prepared for you. But be careful. Beyond the gate is a kingdom ruled by darkness. Don't let your guard down even for a second! Bon voyage!"
[The Player enters the Lane.]
[Follow Cloud and Hades into the Underworld.]



Icon Enemies Locations Notes
 3 Soldiers Coliseum
  Cloud Coliseum Target Enemy
Total Number of Enemies: 3

Enemy types


Icon Items found Locations Notes
Attack Prize

Quest walkthrough
