
Welcome to the wiki! KrytenKoro (talk) 16:56, 10 August 2016 (PDT)

Thank you & hello, KrytenKoro!
I am eager to help contribute to the wiki!
Please let me know if there are any editing protocols that I need to familiarize myself with and adhere to, that are specific to this wiki, whenever I make edits anywhere, as I'm new to this type of wiki site format.
Thanks again!
- Xeranis Azourael

How is the split party working out for you guys, btw? We're wishing you all the best of luck, and we hope the new arrangement has less friction for y'all.KrytenKoro (talk) 11:24, 26 January 2017 (PST)
"How is the split party working out for you guys, btw?"
The three of us (Ace, myself, & Thomas) are managing fine in KHWV Division B, thanx. (You're Shadow, aren't you?)
Yes, three; everyone else who were sent invites (by whomever managed our splintering) didn't get to accept them within the 3-day time-frame.
A few of us are bitter with the way the splintering was so unceremoniously handled.
Some took it worse than others. ↓
You guys. -.-
I actually thought I got kicked out for a few minutes there.... know what, nevermind.
1-I was inactive my 4$$
2-there's a pretty big storm going on right now....
Ever thunked that just MAYBE I got disconnected for a while....?
I'm leaving. Feel free to send me an invite back.
To the MAIN party
He has since joined another party, as Ace informed me.

And I personally thought it was handled abruptly, rudely, & poorly, as these accusations were insulting: ↓

Welcome to KHWV Oblivion!
You're here because:
1) You didn't pay attention to the chat.
2) You were REALLY inactive
So we decided to split you to this party instead of just kicking u
Best of luck!
Party Caption: To Oblivion

1.) That's just plain not true. I was very vocal in chat & stated that I read everything.
2.) That's also untrue, especially in regards to my overall party participation.
I simply didn't get to log in the weekend we were splintered because I go to church on Saturdays (which I didn't get to mention to you guys), so I don't log in 'til sunset;
and my sister & nephew visited on Sunday, so I couldn't log in, with my 3yr old nephew wanting me to always play with him.

Naming us "Oblivion" & having the party caption of "To Oblivion" was just pouring salt on an open wound/adding insult to injury.
I'm guessing Kvasir handled our splintering cause:

1.) He was just completely unreasonable & apathetic (& rude, if he was really the one who handled our splintering).
2.) He's the one who didn't pay attention to us in chat, yet carelessly accused some of us of not paying attention.
3.) I can tell English isn't his first language - seems European.

Whomever it was, didn't even bother to wait for us to read & reply to/acknowledge the decision of being splintered, and just splintered us immediately, when s/he could've at least waited 'til Monday.
Not even an, "Okay, guys; we decided to proceed with splintering you to a separate group, in order to refine the main group's party performance", though I wouldn't know since we got dropped instantly.
I was completely fine with being splintered, but not even waiting for us to at least say, 'Okay, I understand.' was just infuriating.
The utter lack of actual communication is staggering, especially for someone who wants more communication, via a 3rd party chat app.
(I mean, what's there to even communicate during a raid boss fight, that can't be planned/communicated before/between raids?)

I wish you/Shadow(?) had handled our splintering, instead of Kvasir, or whomever it was.

"We're wishing you all the best of luck, and we hope the new arrangement has less friction for y'all."
Thanks, but I believe you're the only one who feels that way. Especially since we were so unceremoniously splintered & you're the only one who's wished us that (remotely sincerely).
You know, we didn't even have this problem before we absorbed that other, more competitive party. And then they come in & act like they own the place. Smh Whatever, it's too late to reverse things now.

I wish (only) you (and/or Shadow) the best of luck in/with KHWV Prime.

He's Kvasir, actually. Rex Ronald Rilander (talk) 09:30, 1 February 2017 (PST)
Actually, the main reason you and a few others were split is that you didn't want to use Messenger. I personally didn't know what message was left behind for you, but I can see that it is confusing to the active players, and having a caption of "To Oblivion" may indeed seem a little rude (although the Oblivion is an awesome Keyblade). TheSilentHero 09:39, 1 February 2017 (PST)
@Ace/R3: Who's Kvasir?
- Xeranis
@TSH: Exactly. So why wasn't that reason stated instead of the two reasons that were actually stated?
- Xeranis
The guy who you assumed was Shadow is Kvasir. Rex Ronald Rilander (talk) 10:07, 1 February 2017 (PST)