Colossal Creatures Pt. 30/Script

After quest
The Player, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy stand outside the Gummi Ship.

Mickey Gosh, thanks to you, pal, we've defeated all the Heartless! Goofy and Donald shouldn't have any problems flying the gummi ship now.

Goofy Then that means...

Donald We're going home!
Mickey turns to face them.

Mickey Yep! There's no darkness left to take over the ship.
Donald and Goofy smile, nod, and enter the Gummi Ship. The Player and Mickey step back from launch area.

Donald Thanks, The Player!

Goofy Thanks, The Player!

Mickey Have a safe trip, fellas!
The Gummi Ship starts to glow and lift off, then blasts away like a shooting star.

Mickey My friends wouldn't have been able to get home without you.
Thanks again for your help!
The Player waves their hand.

Mickey We can't let our guard down, though. Darkness can appear anywhere.
That's why we Keyblade wielders have to get rid of it for good. Are you with me, pal?
The Player nods, and Mickey and The Player shake hands.
Chirithy appears on railing behind The Player.

Chirithy Whatcha thinkin' about?
The Player turns to Chirithy, and holds up their Keyblade.

Chirithy You finally realized the responsibility you have as a Keyblade wielder?
The Player waves hand no.

Chirithy Then what?
The Player holds up their Keyblade towards the sky.

Chirithy Oh! You finally listened to your heart, didn't cha?
The Player nods.