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Quest 5/Script

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Revision as of 08:26, 6 June 2021 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)
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Before quest
The Player crosses the bridge and defeats a small group of Shadows. A dwarf then approaches The Player

Doc Why, why, who are you?
I was standin' right over there, and I saw you use that key of yours
to get rid of those teachers—uh, creatures.
The Player shows their Keyblade to the dwarf, who leans in for a closer look, then sighs and slumps.

Doc They've been nothin' but bubbles—uh—uh troubles.
The dwarf picks up.

Doc Oh, dear, I haven't introduced myself!
I'm Doc.
Me and my friends smirk in the twine—uh, work in the mine.

Doc Today was just a plain ol' day
until those—those monsters sprung up outta nowhere.
We all ran out to chase 'em away, but no one's come back.
Doc slumps.

Doc Oh, where could they have gone?
Doc picks up.

Doc I should thank my muddy jars—uh, lucky stars you showed up!
I didn't know what to do.
I was sure I was done for!
Doc nods and clasps his hands.

Doc Well—uh, well, perhaps you wouldn't mind helping me find my friends?
I sure could use a band—uh, stand—uh, your help.
The Player nods and Doc smiles.

Doc You will? Oh, thank you!
The Player and Doc look at the dark forest, then back at each other.

Doc I'll show you the way to the mine.
Maybe we'll see one of the men on the way.
Doc leads the way toward the forest.